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19 November 2021

The VIATEK Central Coast Academy of Sport Awards Evening was held on Wednesday 10th November at
Mingara Recreation Club. In a COVID safe room full of seated guests, athletes, parents and supporters the
CCAS announced the major award winners for 2021.

Shelly Beach Golf Club Major Award Winners

CCAS Athlete of the Year: Riley Millers (Golf)

In a year with so many outstanding achievements by so many of the squad members it might seam difficult
to select one athlete for this award but the amazing list of results achieved by Riley still made him a stand
2020 Central Coast Champion of champions
2020 Central Coast District champion
2020 Central Coast Schoolboy Champion
2020 Shelly Beach Open Amateur Junior Champion
2020 Magenta Shores Men’s Club Championship Runner up
Most impressive of all Riley made it to the quarter finals in the NSW Men’s Amateur Matchplay
Championship an amazing result for a 15 year old.
It has earned him numerous accolades including scholarships to the JNJG Nomads, with Avondale Golf Club
in Sydney and into the JNJG Development Squad.
Riley is and always has been the model squad member always ready to go at training, eager to learn,
courteous and respectful. He has managed to lower his handicap down to an amazing +1 after shooting 66
6 under par at Kooindah waters in early August. He is definitely a young star on the rise and we will be
watching with great pride to see how far he will go.

RASi Coaches Award: Peter Cliff (Golf)

When it comes to experience look no further than the extensive background that Peter Cliff (or Cliffy to
most) brings to the CCAS Golf Program. Peters coaching philosophy when assessed is underpinned by the
importance of education, learn the right way to achieve better results and work on establishing solid
foundations. Peter tells us that 95% of all problems can be tracked back to poor alignment, posture or grip,
aspects probably taught in lesson 1, 2 and 3, sound fundamentals remains a key to an athletes success and
his preaching of following the process and not the outcome will resonate with all his students.
Peter has been involved with the Central Coast Academy of Sport Golf Program for a remarkable fifteen
years. The past seven as the Program head Coach, a position he both enjoys and takes great pride in. We
cant think of anyone more deserving of this award, Peter’s contribution has been nothing less that