Entry fee: $40
Entries open Friday 23rd February
Entries and payments to be made at time of entry at the Golf Shop
8am shotgun start
Includes 18 holes of greenkeepers revenge followed by presentation, canape lunch including a drink voucher.
Wednesday 5th February @ 8:00am
Women’s Opening Day – 4 Person Dropout Ambrose. 3 Tee Shots Per Player. 7:30am For 8:00am Shotgun Start. No Visitors. Pink Course.
Temporary green in play on 18th hole, playing 90m shorter than normal length
Carts are on course
Play the ball as it lies, no preferred lies
Bunkers are IN PLAY, with the exception of the ones marked with white stakes and the bunkers on 7th and 14th which are out of play. Dropping Zones are in use for bunkers on the 7th & 14th.
Social play tee times are available from 2:48pm
For future golf bookings, phone the Golf Shop on 4332 1103